Effingham Unit 40’s New Volunteer Certification Process
At Effingham Unit 40, we encourage a partnership between home and school to create a strong foundation for learning for all students. To provide a layer of safety and support to the students of our district, we will begin a NEW, ANNUAL volunteer certification process.

Every person that wants to volunteer in Unit 40 schools MUST complete the online volunteer certification process.

An email was sent to ALL Unit 40 families on August 20th that contains a universal volunteer certification link.

Each person wanting to volunteer must complete the online certification and background check and submit.

The link will provide detailed directions for completion.

The certification process is free of charge.

Volunteer certification will last one year and then recertification will need to occur.
Please understand that ALL volunteers MUST complete this process to volunteer in our schools, EVEN if you have volunteered in the past you must RECERTIFY this school year.

How will I know if I am cleared to volunteer?
The secretary in each building will have the approved volunteer list and you may call to see if you are cleared to volunteer. You also can call the BOE office and speak with Tammie Line.

What are volunteer opportunities at Unit 40? Field trips, Classroom volunteers, Band Boosters

All Unit 40 schools use volunteers according to the needs of their building and speaking with your child’s teachers can give you more specific information on volunteer opportunities in that specific building.